We train 18-to-22 year-olds to deliver effective group-therapy within a tiered community-based care model.

We train 18-to-22 year-olds to deliver effective group-therapy within a tiered community-based care model.

The Shamiri Model

In our ”near–peer” psychotherapy model, our 18-to-22-year-old lay-providers (Shamiri Fellows) deliver brief, de-stigmatized and evidence-based interventions within a tiered three-step care model that allows for escalation.
Shamiri Fellows, who are lay-providers aged between 18 and 22, deliver group-based therapy sessions and provide near-peer support with just 10 hours of training.

1. Shamiri Fellows deliver effective group-based therapy in schools

Shamiri Fellows, who are lay-providers aged between 18 and 22, deliver group-based therapy sessions and provide near-peer support with just 10 hours of training. These group sessions usually consist of 6 to 15 youths and each session lasts one hour. Youths attend these group sessions on a weekly basis for four weeks, they are also given take-home activities to work on in-between sessions. The protocols used for recruiting, training, and supervising Shamiri Fellows have undergone peer review in clinical journals.

2. Shamiri Fellows deliver effective low-touch therapy

Our program offers brief and effective interventions that are low-stigma and unobtrusive, focusing on broader human functioning. The Shamiri Intervention teaches valuable skills such as growth mindset, gratitude, problem-solving, and value affirmations. A key component of our approach is core belief targeting, which aims at fostering positive beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors by addressing individuals' core beliefs about themselves and the world. Our methods are evidence-based, proving that low-touch therapy is effective for common mental health disorders. This approach is not only cost-effective, drastically reducing costs compared to traditional therapy and thus enhancing accessibility, but it also serves as a low-stigma entry point, removing the stigma often associated with conventional psychotherapy.
Our program offers brief and effective interventions that are low-stigma and unobtrusive, focusing on broader human functioning.
Tiered caregiving is a cost-effective and tailored approach to psychotherapy.

3. A three-step tiered caregiving model ensures that no youth is left behind

Tiered caregiving is a cost-effective approach to psychotherapy that involves matching young people with the appropriate care according to their specific clinical needs, such as symptom type and severity. This model involves several levels of care providers. Shamiri Fellows, who deliver group-based interventions and offer near-peer support, form the first level. The second level consists of Clinical Supervisors, also known as Shamiri Supervisors, who provide clinical oversight and one-on-one psychotherapy. For more complex cases requiring escalation and intensive care, Clinical Experts, including psychologists and psychiatrists, are involved. This tiered caregiving approach has several benefits. It offers psychotherapy at a clinically appropriate level of care. Depending on the clinical need, users are paired with peer counsellors, lay-providers, clinical social workers, and expert psychiatrists and psychologists. Additionally, this model enables the provision of care at less than 5% of the cost of standard care, making it extremely cost-effective.
Our Tiered Caregiving Model Visualised

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It...

Our model is based off of four years of research by world-class experts. We have spent over $2M in research and development with over 40 peer-reviewed publications. Our gold standard clinical trials have been published in top-tier journals like JAMA, The Lancet, JAACAP demonstrating efficacy.
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RCT Shamiri Layperson-Provided Interventions vs Study Skills Control Intervention for Depression and Anxiety Symptoms
More Affordable
Our model is the most cost-effective youth mental health intervention at only $7 per youth served in 2024 with a goal of $5 per youth served by 2026. Cost-effectiveness analysis shows on average, it costs $48.25 to achieve clinically meaningful change.
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Shamiri Model is the most cost-effective youth mental health intervention
Annual Growth
We have historically grown our reach by 4x annually. We have no plans on slowing as we aim to reach 1 million youths served by 2027 through our outreach and work with our partners.
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Shamiri has grown 4x annually and will serve 1 million youth by 2027

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